
Certified Panch Mukhi – Five Face Rudraksha Bead – 100 Natural and Original


KZ presents 100% Original – Natural Pancha Mukhi – Five Face Rudraksha Bead:

Description:Persons who is need of mental peace, more intellectual thinking and wisdom wear pancha mukhi rudraksha.

Ruling God:Five forms of lord Shiva


Age limit:Persons of all ages can use pancha mukhi rudraksha for their welfare and well being .

Five face rudraksha benefits :

Ø  Mala is used to meditate for peace of mind.

Ø It removes negative energy and refreshes mind.

Ø It brings the intellectual powers and wisdom.

Ø It is very beneficial for people who need more thinking capabilities.

It is especially used for students, teachers, researchers, scholars etc.,

Ø It  is very beneficial for persons suffering heart problems

Ø   Helps maintain normalblood pressure.

Ø  Reduces stress, mental disability.

Ø  Helps in anger management

Ø  In maintaining normal sugar level in diabetic people

Ø Cures piles, neurotic and maladjustment problems etc.

Astrological benefits:The planet Jupiter is related to pancha mukhi rudraksha hence, persons who wear this tend to learn more and develop ones uniqueness.

Wearing the pancha mukhi rudraksha removes the vicious effects of planet Jupiter.

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